
"A government big enough to give you everything you want , is a government big enough to take everything you have." — Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Declaration of Intent...

America, Land of the Free...Americans could once sing that famous ending line of our proud national anthem with enthusiasm. Now we find ourselves at a crossroads. For the last decade we have sat by and watched our freedoms slowly erode from under us. Our leaders in Washington have in large part abandoned their duty to protect the liberties we hold in such high regard.

So why blog about the issue? I say why not. Social media in all forms has cast the voices of the American people onto the public forum for all to hear. If a Facebook following can get a veteran of comedy to accept a long running invitation for a show she had many times turned down, and other viral media transform a small gathering of fed up Americans into a national movement of politically minded individuals; then a simple blog can change something wrong in this country as well.

America was once a great nation and arguably still so today, though not in ways many of us can recognize or be proud of. Getting back to the roots that put this country to the forefront as the greatest nation is the world is an attainable goal, but it will require a commitment from our leaders to protect personal liberties, limit government intrusion on our lives and promote economic freedom all Americans and American businesses.

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